Cheriton Primary School

World Book Day 2024

At Cheriton we love any excuse to dress up and World Book Day is a great excuse!

We had all sorts of wonderful book characters in school during World Book Day- Harry Potter characters, Roald Dahl characters, lots of Wallies (fairly easy to spot for a change!) and even a Stig of the Dump! Well done to everyone for such magnificent, creative costumes!


The children were treated to a very exciting parody of the Masked Singer in Cheriton's first ever Masked Reader! We watched part 1 together in assembly and there was great excitement and trying to guess which member of staff was reading their favourite book- some were definitely easier to guess than others!

Take a look for yourself. Can you guess who was reading?

Part 1 
Part 2 
Check out some of our photos from World Book Day 2024:

World Book Day 2024