Cheriton Primary School

Welcome to Year 6  

6M - Phoenix

Mr Moore

6T - Demiguise

Mr Thatcher


Term 3 will be another busy term full of exciting new learning and opportunities. We have started our new text: Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (Newt Scamander- but really J.K.Rowling!) Lots of our writing will be based around our text, writing a section of narrative where our characters meet our very own Fantastic Beast and creating a new chapter for the book as an information text about our beast (characteristics, appearance, how to capture it, magical features etc.) We will also be enhancing our vocabulary knowledge and developing inference and retrieval skills through reading the text and engaging in a wide range of discussions.

Cute? Maybe...

Perhaps not!

Our new Geography topic for Terms 3 and 4 is about earthquakes and volcanoes. We start term 3 learning about the structure of the earth and how the surface of the Earth is made of tectonic plates. This involves some atlas work, building upon our prior knowledge of the continents, oceans and lines of latitudes and longitude. We will go on to learn about how volcanoes are formed, the side effects (both positive and negative) of living near a volcano, how earthquakes occur and the effects of earthquakes on the land and those living in the area. 

After our wonderful disco dance routines from last term, we now move on to gymnastics and developing our abilities to move and balance within our own creative routines, as well as learning further about how our bodies work and the importance of exercise to our physical and mental health, as well as looking after our bones and muscles before, during and after exercise.

Our Science and DT units go hand in hand as well, as we explore electricity and apply our understanding to design, create and evaluate a steady-hand game, using electrical components.

Many of our Year 6 children are taking part in the Young Voices event in January, which always proves to be a magnificent, life-long memory making trip. We are also excited about getting involved in many of the other extra-curricular opportunities available during this term.

Even though that's enough to keep us all busy, we still have loads of other learning and exciting events to look forward to as well!

Year 6 2024-25