Welcome to Year 2
2O - Hippogriffs
Mr Oliver
2L - Yeti
Mrs Limbu
Welcome back after the Christmas break. This term is set to be a busy one.
In English the children will be making different culinary treats as part of our instruction writing unit. They will be encouraged to make and try different foods and then write the instructions for others to follow. This also ties in to our Design & Technology unit where the children will be taught how to make healthy choices around food ensuring they know what a balanced diet is. We will explore the five different food groups and how to identify which group different foods belong to.
We will be learning about Nepal in our Geography topic. Here the children will learn how to use an atlas to build upon their knowledge of world geography. We will also look at Google Earth to find different terrains and environments between here and Nepal.
In PSHE we will be talking about bullying, what it looks and feels like and what to do if the children believe they are being bullied.
In maths this term we will be learning how to identify, count, add and subtract different amounts of money. Please encourage your children to use different coin amounts when you are out and about. The later part of the term will see us learning about multiplication and division with the beginning of the unit focusing on grouping (multiplying) numbers. Then we will move on to sharing (dividing) numbers.
In music the children will be learning about pitch and rhythm and creating their own compositions using different instruments including glockenspiels.
Computing will be about algorithms. We will discuss how different algorithms will instruct a computer to perform different tasks.
In PE we are doing gymnastics. The children will learn different positions that improve strength and balance. They will create their own gymnastics sequences.