Welcome to Year 1
1C - Unicorns
Miss Carter
1D - Dragons
Mr Davies
The move from Year R into Year 1 is a big change for the children. We have been so impressed with how hard everyone has been working on learning the new routines and getting used to the Year 1 timetable. The Unicorns and Dragon have so much exciting learning planned for this term!
We will be learning to tell all sorts of familiar stories in English. We will be hunting for bears in We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and meeting the naughty Big Bad Wolf in both Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.
In Maths we will be focussing on numbers and place value, making sure we can read and write all the numbers to 10 correctly and that we can count forwards and backwards from any given number.This term we will be answering the question, ‘What was the Great Fire of London?’ in History and we also cannot wait to make our very own hand puppets in DT. Soon we will start to spot all the signs of autumn in our Science learning and we might even go on an autumn walk around the school grounds.
We have also already been lucky enough to have an exciting visitor this term. Sam, the first aid trainer, told us so much useful information about keeping safe. Why don’t you ask your child what they would do if someone had hurt themselves and see if they can remember.