Year 5 Maths
It is our aim that all children in Year 5 meet the following expectations:
- Read, write, order and compare numbers to 1,000,000
- Know the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000.
- Count forwards and backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number to 1,000,000.
- Round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000.
- Count forward and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers through zero.
- Solve number problems and practical problems that involve all of the above.
- Read roman numerals to 1,000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals.
- Continue and describe number sequences involving whole numbers, decimal numbers and fractions.
- Find factors and multiples of numbers including common factors of pairs of numbers.
- Find prime numbers to 100 and recall prime numbers to 19.
- Recognise and use square and cube numbers and use the notation for square ² and cubed ³.
- Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these.
- Continue to develop use of column method for addition and subtraction using larger numbers.
- Solve addition and subtraction multi step problems using estimation to check their answer is sensible.
- Use a formal written method for multiplication of a four digit number by a one and two digit number – long multiplication.
- Divide numbers using short division of a four digit by one digit with remainders.
- Multiply and divide whole numbers including decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000.
Times tables
Children know times table facts to 12 x 12 and the associate division fact. They can use these to support calculations including using them to assist in larger calculations.
- Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number.
- Recognise equivalent fractions.
- Recognise and convert mixed and improper fractions.
- Add and subtract fractions where denominators are all multiples or factors of the same number.
- Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.
- Read and write decimal numbers as fractions
- Recognise and use thousandths.
- Round decimal numbers with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and tenth.
- Read, write order and compare numbers to three decimal places.
- Solve problems involving numbers up to three decimal places.
- Recognise the percent symbol and understand that percent relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’ and write percentages as a fraction and decimal number.
- Know the percentage equivalents for ½, ¼, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5.
- Count in decimal numbers and fractions including bridging zero.
- Add and subtract decimals number.
- Solve problems involving decimal numbers.
- Convert between different units of metric measure.
- Understand and use approximate equivalences for metric units and common imperial measurements e.g. inches, pounds and pints.
- Measure and calculate the perimeter of complex rectangular shapes.
- Calculate the area of rectangles using the formula height times the width.
- Estimate the volume using 1cm³ blocks to build cuboids.
- Solve problems converting between units of time.
- Use all four operations to solve problems involving measure and time.
- Find unknown lengths to find the area and perimeter.
- Identify 3D shapes from a 2D representation.
- Use degrees to measure angles and estimate using their knowledge of acute, right angle and obtuse. Know what a reflex angle is and use this to support estimation of size of an angle.
- Draw and measure angles using a protractor.
- Use properties of shapes to support finding of missing lengths and angles.
- Reason about shapes and recognise regular and irregular shapes.
- Draw and measure lines accurately to the nearest mm.
- Use angle sum facts to find missing angles.
- Identify, describe and representation of a shape following a reflection or translation.
- Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph.
- Complete, read and interpret information in tables including timetables.
- Decide the best way to present data and explain why.
Vocabulary / Language
Measure, compare, add, subtract, morning, afternoon, more, less, digits, tens, ones, compare, order, recognise, find, write, share, 2D shapes, add, total, make, plus, more, altogether, subtract, less, take away, minus, estimate, mentally, difference between, difference, leave, sum, number bonds, length, volume, clock, noon, midnight, minutes, hours, o’clock, place value, hundred, number problem, half, quarter, whole, greater than, less than, orally, estimate, column method, inverse operation, solve problem, number facts, perimeter, metres, centimetres, millimetres, mass, kilograms, grams, volume, litres, millilitres, analogue, seconds, am, pm, Roman numerals. Interpret, data, present data, read data, bar charts, pictograms, tables, one step problems, multiples, thousands, numerals, equivalent, numerator, denominator, count up, count down, three quarters, tenths, groups of, multiply, times, multiple, multiplies by, lots of, repeated addition, divided by, divide, equal groups, approximate, statements, times table, orientations, describe, right angles, angles, acute, obtuse, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel.1/2 turn, ¼ turn, ¾ turn, degrees, positive integer, fifths, hundred thousands, ten thousands, am, pmcomplex.