At Cheriton Primary School our core aim is to develop children’s love of literature in many ways so that they leave school as confident, life-long readers with a passion for books. Research shows that children who read for pleasure develop stronger skills of empathy and go on to be more successful than those who do not, so reading is a priority for us all.
We follow the National Curriculum for reading and our curriculum combines skills and a range of quality texts that expose children to a diverse range of authors beyond those they may generally come across in their everyday lives.
Class books for daily ‘storytimes’ are carefully chosen so that children are exposed to a range of high quality and engaging texts. These texts have been chosen for many reasons – because of the author (new and exciting or a classic), because there is a link to other curriculum areas, because the children have expressed an interest in the book or because it’s simply fantastic!
- Our reading curriculum is designed so that children have many opportunities to
- Hear adults reading aloud modelling excellent fluency
- Read to others to develop their fluency
- Be exposed to a diverse range of authors and texts to expand their knowledge of the world
- Discuss books and authors with others and expect to be asked about their reading
- Practise skills such as activating prior knowledge, retrieval, inference and summarising
- Be exposed to ambitious vocabulary in order to increase their understanding of texts they read
- Read quietly to increase reading ‘mileage’ and stamina
The daily teaching of phonics sessions is an essential part of children learning to read. Children read books that are consistent with developing phonic knowledge while learning to decode. We arrange further support for children who need it throughout the school.
Teachers develop reading skills and comprehension during whole class sessions in Years 5 and 6 and in group Guided Reading sessions in Years 1-4, in 1:1 reading with school adults and shared reading of class texts.
We are excited to have begun to use ‘Accelerated Reader’ to further support children at Cheriton – please use this link for the parents guide on 'Accelerated Reader'
We work hard to promote reading and know that staff attitudes influence those of our children, so we demonstrate whenever we can that we are readers too!
Please click on the link to see the progression table