We are passionate about music at Cheriton Primary School and our vision is: 'For all children to develop a deep-rooted love for music and to become life-long musicians. For music to be the fuel for learning, creativity and growth and for music to be inter-twined throughout daily school life.'
You can read more about our intent, implementation and impact for music here.
Our curriculum has been carefully and uniquely designed for our children at Cheriton, to cover the full range of National Curriculum objectives as well as make clear progress across year groups and key stages. We use a range of activities and resources from Sparkyard to support our curriculum.
Below, you will find progression documents for EYFS and for KS1 & 2 as well as an overview of the themes and lessons covered across the year.
KS1 & KS2 Content and Progression of Skills
Click here to view our Music Development Plan, which is a summary of how our school delivers music education to our pupils (including curriculum, co-curricular provision and musical experiences), as well as our plans for music in the future.
Music Lead: Mr Thatcher